International Academy of Dien Chan
(Founded with Prof. Dr. Bùi Quoc Châu, inventor of this method)

what Dien Chan ?
It is a facial multireflexological method invented in the early 1980s, by Professor Bùi Quoc Châu, consisting in detecting and stimulating precise points on the face and body using specific instruments. (no use of needles)
This method accompanies pain and regulates functional disorders of the body. It is not a substitute for conventional medicine. Dien Chan accompanies marvelously well people who know their pathologies, symptoms, with a diagnosis.
Dien Chan is practiced on a person dressed and sitting in front of the practitioner.
Dien Chan has been recognized by the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine as one of the fastest-growing oriental therapies known to date.

For who ?
For everyone, but in particular:
- to all those who want to practice it on themselves
- to those who want to practice it on their loved ones
- to those who want to teach it
- to those who want to develop it or become a reflexotherapist
To do what ?
- Improve your well-being by reducing medications and their side effects
- To relieve pain, in addition to the official medicine or while waiting for the doctor
- Strengthen your tone, balance your energy
- Extend your youth (wrinkle, sagging face, ...)
- Slimming (diet, water retention, cellulite ...)
- Treat back pain, acne, tendonitis, migraines, burn out, imnsomnies, sexual disorders, etc.
How to do ?
By inquiring
- read the book "ABC du Dien Chan" Grancher editions
By forming
- participate in a training for levels 1 * 2 * 3 or more 4 * 5 * 6 (Training generally provided at 99 rue Brancion, 75015 PARIS)
A project ? The financing of Dien Chan multi-reflexology training levels 1 to 10 can be supported by Pôle Emploi
- and, for future trainers, make a trip to Vietnam
By practicing regularly
- about oneself
- on his relatives
- on those who need it